The PSWs ability to assist a client with medication is essential in supporting client independence or in supporting a family caregiver to attend to tasks or take needed respite. Students gain basic knowledge of the drugs used in the treatment of common diseases and disorders, including drug classification, use, therapeutic effects, side/adverse effects, brand/generic names, dosage forms, routes of administration, and directions for use of these medications. Students will identify purposes of medication, required instruction/information about medications to be administered, and cautions with regard to medications.
Students will develop and demonstrate skill in reading and interpreting information on prescription containers and demonstrate assistance with oral/topical medications, as well as eye, ear, and nose drops. The importance of observation for both desired and undesired outcomes and procedures to be followed in the event of concern about or problems with medications will be discussed. PSWs are able to provide specific assistance with medications (oral, topical, eye, nose or ear drops) to the client, in keeping with the directions stated in the client care/support plan, and under the direction and monitoring of an appropriate person, whether health professional, caregiver, or family member. It is understood that this assistance is provided on the basis of case-by-case instruction by the appropriate person and cannot be generalized among clients or between support workers.
Main Topics
10.1 Ch.40: Assisting with Medications
10.2 Medication Problem A.C.T.I.O.N. Plan
10.3 Performance Demonstration
10.4 Module Review, Test and Take Up
EV 10-1: Mod 10 Assignment 1 (Medication A.C.T.I.O.N. Plan)
Weighting: 10%
EV 10-2: Mod 10 Assignment 2 (Drug Research Paper)
Weighting: 10%
EV 10-3: Mod 10 Performance Demonstration
Weighting: 20%
EV 10-4: Mod 10 Test
Weighting: 60%
Key Terms (No Password Required)
(Note: Please see instructor for Module Review Password)