Family violence is a significant aspect of current society, incorporating child abuse, spousal abuse, and elder abuse. Research also indicates an increased awareness among support workers of abusive behaviour toward clients. This module introduces students to the concepts of family violence and abuse, including its possible signs, as well as appropriate actions to be taken if abuse is suspected, including legal requirements. Personal beliefs and attitudes about family violence and abuse are examined, as is the concept of worker abuse of the client. Finally, abuse of the worker is discussed. Personal Support Workers identify the concept of abuse and are able to recognize both causes and indicators. They are able to identify the requirements of legislation and to respond in accordance with legislation, employer policy, and provisions of the service contract or support plan. They recognize that the PSW may also be the focus of abuse.
Main Topics
5.1 Ch.21: Abuse Awareness
5.2 EV 05-2: Mod 5 Discussion
5.3 Module Review, Test and Take Up
EV 05-1: Mod 5 Assignment (Abuse)
Weighting: 40%
EV 05-2: Mod 5 Test
Weighting: 60%
Key Terms (No Password Required)
(Note: Please see instructor for Module Review Password)