PSWs must have the knowledge, skill, and sensitivity to provide appropriate assistance to another person, since a significant number of clients for whom they provide service have disabilities that affect their ability to look after their personal hygiene. The Personal Support Worker will assist clients with all activities or routines of daily living. These tasks include bathing, grooming, mobility considerations, toileting, and skin care. This module will consider caring for the ill, disabled, injured, and/or a confused client. Frailness, dignity and levels of dependence will be considered. Personal hygiene involves personal safety, self-esteem, and dignity considerations.
Knowledge about the structure, function, ageing changes, and common conditions of the skin is reinforced in this module. Personal care measures around the clock will be considered. A focus on humanistic health care will build the foundation of this module. Oral care, perineal care, infection control, bathing techniques, grooming, dressing, bed making, shaving, hair care, skin care, and much more will be covered in this unit.
Main Topics
4.1 Ch.14: Body Structure and Function (Integumentary System)(p.201-202)
Ch.17: Caring for Older Adults (Integumentary System)(p.263-266)
Ch.18: Common Diseases (Integumentary System)(p.276-277)
4.2 Ch.26: Beds and Bed Making
4.3 Ch.29: Personal Hygiene
Ch.30: Grooming and Dressing
4.4 Practice Time
4.5 Performance Demonstration
4.6 Module Review, Test and Take Up
- EV 04-1: Mod 4 Performance Demonstration (Bed Making & Personal Hygiene)
- Weighting: 40%
- EV 04-2: Mod 4 Test
- Weighting: 60%
Key Terms (No Password Required)
(Note: Please see instructor for Module Review Password)